We Just Switched From TechGarage To DigitalDestiny!

If you’ve come here by clicking on some Google search results and was wondering why we’re DigitalDestiny instead of TechGarage, you’re not in the wrong place. We’ve actually changed names from TechGarage.my to DigitalDestiny.co. There’s still a lot of things…

DiGi Postpaid Plan Review

DiGi Postpaid Plan Review

So you’re looking to buy a new phone and all the sudden, you realised that our postpaid plans in Malaysia are confusing. You’ve googled your way around and found many different postpaid plan reviews. Sadly, the state of postpaid plans…

Why You Should Join AngelHack

AngelHack Kuala Lumpur (or AngelHack KL for short) was recently concluded with 370 participants and numerous teams competing for the grand prize of a 12-weeks invite to the AngelHack HACKcelerator program and the chance to be in Silicon Valley for…

Five Reasons To Learn Coding

As the global economy stutters and Malaysians struggle with retrenchment, 1MDB and rising costs of living, there is one job that doesn’t get affected by the local enonomy. Coding might have been a boring, dead end job that didn’t pay…

5 Reasons You Should Not Buy An iPhone

why you shouldn't buy an iPhone

The iPhone is an iconic object, the dream of tech geeks and the reason of some scandals in China. It is something everybody seems to be carrying and if you don’t have one, you might seem out of place. But…