We were featured on the National press!

This comes a bit late, but yes, we were featured on the National press! Thanks to the efforts of our former colleague, Miss Rachel Tan, we were featured in the Star newspaper at least three times. Now, being on the Star is a big thing, as the Star has a circulation of 290k (valid as of 2012) and an online readership of forty-five thousand! (45k).

Please click on the photos below to obtain a full-blown version.

theStar 2 theStar 1 the Star 3

Ah yes, it’s not exactly on TechGarage, and more on the products we carry and market. Perhaps one day soon, we might be on national papers with a feature on our company itself =) Till then, we are happy with the self promotion here. Have an awesome weekend folks!

Got an idea? =) Drop us your thought here