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Camera Bags Guide to DSLR Camera Users

Looking for a camera bag? Chances are you’ve already bought a camera bag somewhere but have found out that you need something more or that it might not fulfill your needs. But look no further! We’re here to help you on your…

Correcting White Balance

Color is one of the most powerful and important elements in your photograph.  Color can draw a viewer toward your photograph.   Color can involve an emotional response from your viewer.  Color engages people.

What Makes A Good Photograph?

More important than the thousands of others, I will attempt to explain the elements of what makes a good photograph, or even better, to show you what make up a great photograph. This is the most important article on this website. These…

Strapping Up: A Look at Camera Straps

Ever stop to think about what is holding your camera when your hands aren’t? Lots of photography tutorials focus on cameras, lenses, and lighting. Even bags and filters get a lot of press. However, there is one important piece of…